Opkit uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate whether an API request was successful. In general, responses with 200 status codes are considered successful, and responses with non-200 status codes are considered unsuccessful.

Common HTTP Error Codes

Here is a list of the most common non-200 HTTP status codes that you may encounter:

  • 401 (Unauthorized): Your API key is missing, invalid, malformed, or expired. Double-check the Authentication header for formatting errors. If your API key is no longer working, you can request a new one by reaching out to Opkit support.
  • 404 (Not Found): The endpoint you requested does not exist. Double-check the URL path and HTTP method. If the URL path contains a resource ID, make sure the resource ID is valid.
  • 400 (Bad Request): Your request body was malformed. Refer to the API specification. Make sure you are including all required fields. Make sure any resource IDs included in the request correspond to real resources.
  • 5XX (Server Error): Our server crashed. Opkit’s engineering team has been notified. Please document the request parameters and contact support.